Ms. September, Marlayne Sick
“Those that know, do. Those that understand, teach.” -Aristotle
“Breast cancer was the worst thing that ever happened to me. It was also the best because it helped me prioritize the important things,” says Golden Hill Elementary School library teacher Marlayne Sick. She was diagnosed with stage I breast cancer when she was thirty-eight years old.
For Marlayne, “Back to School” means more than just organizing a children’s literature. It also means educating women about breast cancer prevention, risk factors, early detection, and treatment. With the support of her family who helps her keep priorities in balance, Marlayne serves on the board of directors for the American Cancer Society and coordinator for Reach to Recovery Volunteers of the Hudson Valley, a non-profit organization that matches newly diagnosed breast cancer patients with breast cancer survivors.
“Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy,” Marlayne declares. “If I can get one woman who otherwise wouldn’t have gotten a mammography to do so, then I’ve done my job!”